Shipping Definitions:

Freight — freight means any large items that are crated or palletized.

Small Packages — small packages are individual boxes or packages that you would typically ship via FedEx, UPS, DHL, or similar.

Hand-Carried Items — hand-carried items are items that you would typically bring with you to the show via car, truck or taxi, to unload yourself.


You are no longer REQUIRED to use BTX for load-out logistics due to our venue expansion. You have the flexibility to choose any carrier, but it's crucial to adhere to the appropriate load-out schedule.

While you have the freedom to select your carrier, we strongly recommend arranging any outbound shipments with BTX, unless you are hand carrying your items out of the venue. 

As always, BTX will be onsite on Tuesday, August 6th at both locations, for any questions and to arrange outbound shipping. Please direct all BTX-related shipping questions to tradeshow@btxglobal.com  


Pier 36 Exhibitors

  • Pier 36 booths must be completely packed and vacated and all freight MUST be removed by 11PM on Tuesday, August 6

  • No freight may be left at Pier 36 other than FedEx, DHL, UPS and BTX pickups.

If you are using your own independent shipper:

  • Your booth must be entirely packed up and empty by 11pm on Tuesday. Please ensure your shipper arrives and collects your freight BEFORE 11pm on Tuesday. 

  • You must complete a material manifest and return to show management to clear any freight for a third party shipper. 

If you are using FedEx, DHL or UPS:

  • Your booth must be entirely packed up by 11pm on Tuesday. Please ensure that you have called and ordered a pick up for your shipments for no later than 12pm Wednesday, August 7. There will be locations noted where you need to drop off your packages. The load out letter that will be sent a few days before the show begins will have more details.

If you are using BTX:

  • Your booth must be entirely packed up by 11pm on Tuesday. Please ensure you have coordinated out-bound shipping with BTX. You may keep your BTX freight in your booth.

EARLY OR LATE PICK UPS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED INTO THE VENUE, and any remaining freight will be forced freight shipped back to BTX’s Warehouse, at the Exhibitor’s expense.

Skylight at Essex Crossing Exhibitors

  • All freight must be picked up from Skylight at Essex Crossing by 5PM on Wednesday, August 7.

If you are using your own independent shipper:

  • Your booth must be entirely packed up and empty by 12pm on Wednesday, August 7. Please ensure your shipper arrives and collects your freight BEFORE 5pm on Wednesday.

If you are using FedEx, DHL or UPS:

  • Your booth must be entirely packed up by 12pm on Wednesday.  Please ensure that you have called and ordered a pick up for your shipments for no later than 5pm Wednesday, August 7.

  • There will be locations noted where you need to drop off your packages. The load out letter that will be sent closer to the show will have more details.

If you are using BTX:

  • Your booth must be entirely packed up by 11pm on Tuesday, August 6. Please ensure you have coordinated out-bound shipping with BTX.You may keep your BTX freight in your booth

EARLY OR LATE PICK UPS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED INTO THE VENUE, and any remaining freight will be forced freight shipped back to BTX’s Warehouse, at the Exhibitor’s expense. 

Please ensure your shipper arrives within the appropriate pick-up window stated above. 

!!! Exhibitors are NOT permitted to ship with USPS !!!


Please be advised that Shoppe Object is not responsible for any aspect of exhibitor shipping, including: tracking, extra boxes, shipping forms, labels, label pouches, packing tape, commercial invoice documents, cash on delivery, and so on. Please know that we will do everything we can to ensure a smooth load in and load out, but be prepared and make solid advance arrangements for your goods.